Divination Hollow Reviews

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[REVIEW] To Be Devoured - by Sara Tantlinger

4.5 / 5.0

Sara Tantlinger's debut novellette, To Be Devoured, is an unsettling and gritty story with a darkly poetic voice. Though it's not necessarily violent, it has an extremely violent feel throughout (in the sense that there are bared teeth that continuously open wider, revealing sharpened blades).

Despite a conclusion that felt a little weak after the build-up, this story had me curious and disgusted and entranced from beginning to end. Tantlinger has a way of writing that is simply captivating; the way she spins words in such horrific scenes is grand and brilliant. And for that alone, she is recommended. The story is the added cherry on top - the loss of the lead character's composure and mental state is thoroughly enjoyable and depraved. You'll enjoy the ride, even when it makes you cringe and gag. ~ Andrew Redman