Divination Hollow Reviews

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[Review] - The Brides of Hanover Block

By Gregor Xane

Gregor Xane is fastly becoming my favorite Bizarro(?) author. Is that what you call it? Edward Lorn is on record saying that you can call Gregor bizarro, but really he is a (speculative) fiction writer. Here is what I do know. This books takes you out there, way out there, to some extremely messed up places. BUT as you are reading through this extremely bizarre story line with these wickedly twisted scenarios, it all comes off with a sense of normalcy? Does that make any sense at all? Maybe it is the excellent writing, or just the way the story flows, but that is the only way I can explain it. As I say that, I am still rolling this around in my head. All those "What did I just read?" moments flow together, all of the ugly, gross, horrific bits combine into a work of creative beauty. If it is not apparent, I am still struggling with how to say it. I know this. I need more Gregor - I have read Six Dead Spots, Tipping and this book's predecessor The Hanover Block. I gave all of those books 4 stars, this one overwhelmingly read as 5 for me.

So yeah, this book is a sequel. There is a presence out there that is taking over lives. enthralling people in a sort of orgasmic hunger, a physical need. The Hanover Block showed us what the men were getting up to in their backyards. What was going on in those newly erected sheds, tents and other structures out there in the suburban backyards. This book give us the reverse. This book is about the brides. The presence for the women manifests indoors. What is it? What is the endgame on this one? As would be expected there is less of a blind lust, the women are plotting, planning, and handling all of this with a higher level of organization.

There is so much unanswered. That being said, if you could perfectly wrap something up yet still infer that this story continues, this felt like that? Can you do that? This book and Hanover Block feel like clean little snapshots that will display a fuller picture when the eventual 4 pieces are put together.

Fact is, Gregor can write. I am sure that if he wanted to he could write less disturbing pieces of fiction. His wife and banker might prefer that. Who knows? For me though, crazy, bizarre, bloody, horrific, well-written, flowing, beautiful fiction gets no better.

Review by Well Read Beard

Twitter: @WellReadBeard
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iey5S7cwKBw&t=12s

I received a copy from the author for review consideration.