Divination Hollow Reviews

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[Review] - The Festering Ones

by S.H. Cooper

Superbly entertaining monster/cult novella. For me, a lot of times, a novella doesn't have great character development and plot. Due to format, it would seem novellas sometimes lack in one or the other, but this one felt to be a great mix between backstory, characters and the main plot. It felt longer, deeper than it was. I am not normally a big fan of monster horror, I know, I know - How can you be a horror fan but not really dig monsters? Anyways, what I am trying to say is that the creature part of this feature was really well done. The physiology and concept behind it all just worked for me. My favorite part though was the cult, the creature's human followers - and the backstory that went along with all that. This was my first experience with reading SH's work. It was a really fun ride and I look forward to reviewing more of her stuff in the future.

Review by Well Read Beard
Twitter: @WellReadBeard

I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.
