Divination Hollow Reviews

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Book Review: “Food Fright” by Nico Bell

How many times can I go on and on about how much I love Unnerving’s REWIND OR DIE series before someone yells at me to shut up? ‘Cause I love it, and that love grows stronger with each entry in the series that I start, expecting to just read a few pages of, only to find that I’m unable to stop reading, finishing each book in a single sitting. It happens every time!

Food Fright introduces us to Cassie Adler, a high school girl who just wants to fit in with the popular crowd. When an opportunity to ingratiate herself with the cool girls presents itself, Cassie makes a decision to participate in a prank that will come back to haunt her in the most terrifyingly delicious way possible when tragedy strikes.

I absolutely love a good horror creature, and the ones that Nico Bell creates in Food Fright are unforgettable. I don’t want to spoil how great they are by telling you about them before you go into it, but trust me: they’re unlike anything you’ve ever read about before, and I got the strangest sense of being both horrified & hungry when flipping these pages!

As with many of the other books in the series, this was an action-packed romp filled with blood and lots of very amusing deaths. While there are bits of the book that come off as fun and comical, they never seem gimmicky or juvenile. In fact, the campiness of certain parts of the story are perfectly juxtaposed alongside the gore and brutality that you’ll also find on the pages, along with an overall lesson that bullying is bad, and that being mean to other people makes you a jerk (lessons I firmly stand behind!).

This was my first book by Nico, but I’ll absolutely be reading more of her works when I can – she has me hooked! I loved this fun, blood-soaked ride through high school and home ec rooms, and at just barely over 150 pages, it’s short enough for you to squeeze in before the end of the year for sure!

By Cassie Daley

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