Divination Hollow Reviews

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A Jolt of Inspiration: A List Frankenstein Inspired or Adjacent Movies

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a beloved classic in Literature and Horror genres. There are many lessons to be found within these pages, such as morality without religion, nature versus nurture, and effects of society versus the individual when it comes to a moral compass.

The silver screen has “reanimated” the story time and time again with remakes, derivative works, and parodies in great abundance. On this list, however, you’ll find some cult faves as well as some surprising picks for Frankenstein inspired work. Each of these films pays homage to Shelley’s original storyline as well as fitting in modern-day dilemmas like advanced AI and natural human instincts.

Think we’ve missed an important installment to this list? Leave us a comment down below or over on Twitter! We’d love to hear from you and talk about monsters!

By Ellen Avigliano
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