Divination Hollow Reviews

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Esbat Review: To Summon Nightmares by J.K. Pendragon

To Summon Nightmares

J.K. Pendragon

Planned Date: June 20th

Niall knows he’s doing the right thing, trying to help his boyfriend Jacky deal with his abusive father. But when Jacky pushes things too far, both boys come to the attention of The Guild. After a traumatic period, Niall hides out in Ireland, where he meets Cohen – a young trans man, popular author and internet celebrity. Having inherited an old house in the countryside, Cohen is determined to get away from his family and prove he’s more than capable of looking after himself. But a paranormal murder mystery lands on his doorstep, and despite Niall quickly becoming the main suspect, Cohen can’t help but be drawn to him.


This is one of those books I was instantly gripped by. The setup with Niall and Jacky builds things up and gives us an idea of exactly what is going to happen with the rest of the book. The Guild is a frightening presence hanging over the heads of the characters, and Pendragon doesn’t waste a single word as we follow Cohen into a strange world where witches and demons are real.


The developing relationship between Cohen and Niall was handled well, especially with Cohen’s gender dysphoria taken into account and the threats hanging over their heads. Pendragon really keeps the reader in suspense, building up things in such a way it’s never totally clear what’s going to happen next, but tying in other elements from early in the story, too.


To Summon Nightmares was rereleased by NineStar Press in August 2021, and now would be an excellent time to pick it up. The characters are endearing and the plot gripping, it’s a good example of horror done really well.


Esbat: A Bookish Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast discussing SFF & Horror books by diverse writers. Every two weeks, we bring you discussions with fantastic guests about the books they want to highlight. Our latest episode we talk about To Summon Dragons with AK Faulkner. You can find out more on our Esbat Podcast page.


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Review by Elle Turpitt

Twitter & Instagram: @elleturpitt



As part of our Pride Month celebrations, we asked our contributors to provide a link to a charity of their choice. Elle chose Trans Aid Cymru and we would ask, if you are able, if you could please consider a donation to support their work.

I received this ebook from NineStar Press via NetGalley for review consideration.