Divination Hollow Reviews

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Pride Month Documentary Review of “Phoenix Rising”

“Phoenix Rising”

2 Part Documentary, 2022

⚠️ Please be forewarned this documentary may be triggering as it explicitly describes traumatic events with graphic photos and descriptions and recounting of torture, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, grooming and child abuse, rape and coerced consent, drug use and substance abuse, gaslighting and psychological manipulation, legal action, interventions, medical trauma, abortion, loss of a child, divorce and family trauma, survivors’ guilt, etc. ⚠️

I’m including a short review on this harrowing documentary as part of our pride month event because, let’s be real, Evan Rachel Wood is a bisexual babe and queen of the weird, wacky, and macabre. Her work in the surreal musical “Across the Universe” is magical. Her role as the character of Dolores on “Westworld” is an indelible icon in sci-fi media. And she’s a legend in front of the lens when it comes to modeling and fashion. She’s also an incredible activist and a devoted mother, and quite frankly I can’t fathom how she manages to do it all, but she does!

When I heard she was releasing a documentary chronicling her difficult journey to becoming an activist for domestic and sexual violence, I knew immediately I needed to see it. It is not an easy watch, but I didn’t expect it to be. This 2-part documentary is quite heavy and difficult to get through for anyone really, but especially as a victim of abuse myself (though not to the extent of these women, it was still a lot to digest).

I wish Evan Rachel Wood and all of the alleged victims coming forward to speak of their abusive situations all of the safety and comfort and bravery which is needed to get through this. And I commend everyone involved in this project and the Phoenix Rising initiative in California and related things for coming forward and speaking up and being advocates even if reluctant to do so at first. This is the difficult work that helps change the future and save lives.

The documentary chronicles her life leading up to a starring role in the indie movie “Thirteen” (a brutal coming of age movie that is relevant and poignant but frightening) along with snippets about her childhood, family, and home life. It also jumps around a little into her experiences of Hollywood, and the frightening process by which she was groomed by Marilyn Manson and subsequently suffered many years of abuse. It’s terrifying to listen to, and especially with how much horrific goes on behind the scenes of Manson’s posse and music videos and concerts and then some. It’s just…it’s too much to even try to make sense of in one review for me, but I wanted to include it here regardless. I also qualify this in a way as a “true crime” documentary, because what this man is accused of by Evan and other women are heinous and absolutely considered crimes in my eyes.

Of course, the case evidence is still being collected and nothing has been convicted or tried in court yet that I’m aware of, but things certainly seem damning for the accused. In any event, while I don’t feel it appropriate to “highly recommend” this (that feels so bonkers to say) I can say it’s worth watching to gain empathy and insight into victims’ rights and experience for abuse victims in the “MeToo” era.

May Evan and the women who cam forward with her, and all the rest of the global victims of domestic and sexual abuse find catharsis, peace, and security in their lives be it through prosecutions or therapy or support from those they love. 🧡