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Birthday Bash Book Review: “The Reyes Incident” by Briana Morgan

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The Reyes Incident
By Briana Morgan

This was so fun!! I love anything horror-related involving mermaids or sirens, so when I read the synopsis of this one, I just knew I'd want to read it. I've previously read some of Briana Morgan's short fiction & always enjoy that, so I was really looking forward to this.

My favorite parts were the scenes in the actual bunker! I loved the mermaids, and I liked the gory bits & death scenes a lot. The idea of the military experimenting on creatures we think are make believe in order to weaponize them is such a cool concept - honestly, I just love stories where "monsters" are in containment and then fight back, sort of like a Cabin in the Woods scenario. It's my jam!! This felt very much like that, although I do have some small notes that I wish the area inside had been built up more in descriptions because I found it a little difficult to picture some of it. There was one point where a plane appears in a... room? Area? I wasn't sure what kind of plane it was, like a full-sized actual plane, or is it a smaller model...? Some things like this confused me a bit and I had to go back and try rereading to fully figure out what was happening. That could totally be on me though, my brain sometimes has a hard time with "picturing" the stuff I read, so it usually has to be VERY DESCRIPTIVE - didn't detract anything ratings wise but did want to just mention it!

Story wise, I found the police bits a bit more difficult for me to stay invested in, mostly because there was this sort of insta-love romantic subplot that I personally found I didn't enjoy at all. I love mixing romance and horror, but here, I don't know - the most emotionally invested I felt was during a particularly difficult scene between one of the MCs and her wife; that felt real and sad. The love bits just didn't feel as genuine to me; they had me questioning the MC's choices and finding it really hard to relate to her or anything she did. I'm not saying it's totally impossible or anything, I just didn't relate & it felt sort of like witnessing a character's midlife crisis; I was uncomfortable and kept wanting someone to step in and try to talk sense into Andie!

I really enjoyed the friendships between the characters in Liv's portion of the story, and sort of wish more of the book just focused on them - their urban exploration adventures, etc. I know that's sort of been done a bit in horror, but I honestly never get tired of it, haha. I used to get into similar shenanigans as a teen with friends, often going into places we should not have been, and have had a few weird experiences myself - I was hoping for a bit more on that here & would absolutely read a whole book about a team of those kinds of explorers going into other buildings if the author decided to write that as a series or something!

The ending was a bit too abrupt for me, especially with how many other loose ties didn't get resolved, or how many other things were never explained or detailed. I had more questions than answers, and I am the type of reader that prefers a tidy ending - not everyone feels the same way and that's absolutely okay!! But that's why I'm giving this 4.5 instead of 5, because I legitimately thought my copy ended wrong or something - I was like, wait, what? It's over?! I need to know more!

Overall, this was a quick & fun summer read that I'd recommend for fellow fans of sirens / aquatic creature type horror books!

Review by Cassie Daley

Website: letsgetgalactic.com

Etsy: Lets Get Galactic

Twitter: @CtrlAltCassie