Divination Hollow Reviews

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Movie Review: “Soul Survivors”

“Soul Survivors”

2001, Directed by Stephen Carpenter 

This is The Sixth Sense meets Wizard of Oz without any of the fun and starring a pathetic group of late 90s emo college students and sans the interesting storylines or character development. I should’ve had my own sixth sense to turn this off like I did the other two terrible movies I attempted to start today. So, they really just churned these motherfuckers out in the late 90s early 00s, didn’t they? Sadly, what could’ve been corny and fun, terribly bad schlock missed out on the “fun” and just honed in on the “terribly bad” part of schlock. Sad. 

Additionally, though the poster puts Eliza Dushku at the heart and center of its advertising she is hardly the lead, and clicks an abysmal amount of screen time. They didn’t even let me have any sexy goth lesbian action with her and the crew cut gal. What a shame. We were robbed! I’m glad to see everyone in the cast must’ve fired the agents who put them on this project, because most of them had decent careers in much better movies. Yay. 

Anyway, Luke Wilson was a fun surprise I guess!

Well, folks, this is what I get I guess for going through the “free with ads” section and clicking things at random. It’s always a good idea in theory, but practically it is not as fun of a game to play as you’d think sometimes, haha! 

Review by Ellen Avigliano

Twitter.com @imaginariumartz
