Divination Hollow Reviews

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Spotlight On: Author Faye Snowden

Out now from Flame Tree Press.

Faye Snowden lives and writes in Northern California. She has been published by The African American Review, Calliope, Red Ochre Lit, Bay Area Poets Coalition, and Occam’s Razor. She is the author of four mystery/thriller novels: Spiral of Guilt, The Savior, Fatal Justice, and A Killing Fire (released in August 2019); she is currently penning the sequel to “AKF” as we write this!

You can follow her on Twitter for news and updates on her works in progress.

Want to learn more? Read WellReadBeard’s review of “A Killing Fire” here in our archived post!

Where to buy her books:

Two Shorts and a Poem

A Spiral of Guilt

A Killing Fire

Fatal Justice

The Savior