[REVIEW] Kinfolk - by Matt Kurtz

Cover art for Grindhouse Press, by Neal Auch.

I just want to say there could possibly be a trigger scene in the first chapter for new readers to this story. Rape is a touchy subject and one of the darkest scenes in this book. Matt lets you know how dark this story could get straight out of the gate. So be prepared for some tough scenes. 

Imagine if you took Wrong Turn, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and parts of From Dusk Till Dawn, threw them into a bloody blender and mixed the bones of each story. That is what Kinfolk is to me. And it was one hell of a ride. 

We meet outlaw brothers Eric and Ray, who are on an adrenaline fueled revenge mission until things take a turn for the worse and become a sight for survival. 

I enjoyed the brothers relationship. Neither is really a good person but you still find yourself rooting for them. They are believable, flawed, realistic characters. Not to mention pretty bad ass. That is where the From Dusk Till Dawn comes in. 

And then you have the Wrong Turn and Chainsaw Massacre parts of the story. This is a backwoods, hillbilly cannibal gore fest at it’s finest. I believe it’s really easy to get these stories feeling cheesy and B rated. However, Matt is such a talented writer that I never felt bored or out of place in the story. I could easily picture everything that was happening and felt like I was there with our flawed protagonist up to the violent, bloody end. As if fighting for my life and looking for a light at the end of the tunnel. 

I loved everything about this book and am grateful to have been given the chance to read it. This could easily become a feature film due to Matt’s writing ability. I’m looking forward to reading more of Matt’s work, I hope you are too. ~ Garrett



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