Queer Your eReader

Queer Your eReader is a book blast event taking place on 25th January, 2025, hosted by Divination Hollow Reviews. This is the first time we’ve attempted such an event, so we’re keeping it small. We’ll feature fifty books across different genres, and we’re aiming for a mix of queer identities within each category. Please forgive us for teething problems, and feel free to contact us if you want to provide feedback, either as an author or reader.


Please note, FANTASY is now closed to author submissions.
There are currently spaces for all other genres - Horror (6), Sci-Fi (7), Mystery/Thriller (10), Romance (6)

We also now have a newsletter which you can subscribe to, for all information relating to DHR Events and other DHR information, including Queer Your eReader. You can sign up here.

For Authors

The form will confirm if all slots for a particular genre have been filled. If you submit before the genre is filled but don’t get in, we will prioritise you if we host the event again.

Please read the form carefully and fill it in as completely as possible so we can ensure we have the best information to make this a success!

The genres included are -


We also encourage cross-genre works, but these must be submitted under one β€˜main’ genre! Please consider the audience when answering this - for example, if your book is Fantasy Romance, is the stronger focus on the fantasy, or the romance? Does it have a HEA (or does the series end with a HEA, if applicable)? If it’s a Fantasy Horror/Horror Fantasy, does it lean more into one or the other? Which is the strongest element?

You can also select subgenres to be included, but we recommend keeping this at 2 - 3 at most.

By completing the form and agreeing to take part, you are agreeing to offer your book for free for at least 24 hours, over 25th January, 2025 in as many territories as possible. Please ensure you provide all purchase links when completing the form, where the book will be offered for free. 

Please note, we will not ask authors to disclose any aspect of their identity to take part. We are interested in the representation included in the book, so we can ensure we have as wide a mix as possible in the books on offer. 

We would ask if you sign up for the event and are accepted, you help us in spreading the word - please feel free to share with your fellow writers, and help us publicise the event in the leadup so we can reach as many folks as possible. It would be great if you could share this in newsletters and on social media platforms. 

Please find the form here.

PLEASE NOTE: The form will close on 12th January, 2025.

If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us

For Readers

Please join us here on 25th January, 2025, when we will be hosting Queer Your eReader! For our first event, we are limiting this to 50 books - 10 for each genre. We’re hoping to have a wide variety of queer books for you to choose from. Please spread the word among friends, as we can only make this a success with your help!

We are also hoping to set up a newsletter prior to the event, and will include details here of how to join and hear about our next Queer Your eReader event.

The genres included are -


If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us