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Divination Hollow Reviews FAQs


What do you do?

We are a small team of enthusiastic readers, writers, and reviewers. Each of our contributors loves Horror with every fibre of their being. We want to see our Horror Community thrive and spread our love for the weird and wonderful. We work together and individually to promote literacy and creativity by promoting underserved genres like Horror, Dark Scifi, Dark Fantasy and other offbeat subjects.


Are you a paying publication?

At this time, Divination Hollow Reviews is a voluntary publication platform and submissions are unpaid at this time. At this time, our entire team from editors to designers to writers are also volunteering their efforts to the cause. Being as we our entire team are all creatives and/or writers, we truly know the value of the blood, sweat and tears that go into each project. Thus we are working very diligently on fundraising efforts to raise capital in order to grow into a paying platform for submissions and features. We aim to keep reviews unpaid so that our opinions will remain fair and balanced, but aim to move to a paid model for most other submissions such as essays, short stories, articles and features.

We do occasionally host giveaways on our Twitter account for promotional events such as Book Birthdays, Holidays, and Special Events. Those giveaways are either funded by our Admin Team, or they’re comprised of promotional items from Publishers, Authors, and other outlets for the giveaway purpose. We do not profit from any giveaways, and they are not considered raffles or gambling. Due to shipping costs and issues, most giveaways are open to UK, US, and Canada. We will specify per event.

How do I submit media for review?

If you’re interested in the DHR team reading your book, reviewing your media, playing your games, or giving feedback on other cool stuff, please submit your work via the Media For Review tab at the top bar. Our administrators have created a special form catering to creators looking to reach a wider audience via reviews or promotions! We do not accept solicitations via social media, texting, or DMs.


How can I support Divination Hollow Reviews?

Aw, shucks! We’re really excited and happy to hear you’d like to support our work and our mission. We pour our hearts into this venture, and it makes it all worth it when you guys step up to bat for us! If you’d like to support DHR, the first thing we suggest is to subscribe to blog updates and follow us on Social Media (those options are free!) where you can retweet, quote tweet, or share our content to your Instagram stories.

As far as monetary support, our administrators are working with several designers on updated logos, merchandise designs, and other promotional materials which we hope to have available for purchase soon. We also have a merch store and are working on getting our native-site store off the ground as well for one-stop shopping.

In the meanwhile, you can also slap that little ol’ donation button in the corner and send us a few smackeroos via PayPal if you like what you see. Current funding efforts will go into site maintenance, purchase of merchandise, paying designers for artwork, and soon as we can manage after that — to paid writing submissions!

Can I apply to be a Team Contributor?

We are flattered that you want to be a part of our team! Several times a year we will open an application on the website to expand our roster; the form will be located here. If our form is not currently active, then we are not seeking new members at that time. We are, however, open to guest submissions year round! Check out our Content Submissions or Pitch a Feature tab to learn more.


Where is Divination Hollow Reviews headquartered and can I visit y’all?

Currently our operations are housed in the magical, mystical land known as the World Wide Web. Our administrators work virtually with one another via messengers, e-mail, and video chat to stay on the same page. We are in regular contact with our teammates through the same means of digital communicado.

We’re thrilled to announce that our team of contributors are slowly spreading to a global community. Right now we’ve got a Team of Contributors from The United States of America, Canada and the U.K. and we can’t wait to see who else we meet along the way. Our Special Guests also come from a global pool of pals, and it’s really exciting!

Perhaps one day our efforts will allow us to expand into physical locations or maybe even live events where we can meet our Magical Posse, but those are distant dreams for the time being. Maybe one day that will change. Until then, we’ll see you on The Internet!