[Review] - Dawn of the Living-Impaired and other messed up zombie stories


By Christine Morgan

Don't let the title mislead you; although all of the stories in Christine Morgan’s collection are zombie themed, the tone of the stories range from ultra serious ("Be Brave") to satire ("Dawn of the Living Impaired").  I've read a lot of Morgan's work, and I'm convinced that versatility is her strength. Out of the nine stories within Morgan’s collection, my favorite is "Good Boy,” a really touching story about a woman's bond with her dog during a zombie apocalypse.  Honorable mention goes to "Family Life," a fun and quirky satire about...well, family. I would hate to end this review on a downer, but despite the excellence of these two tales, I found that most of the other stories were relatively forgettable. In my opinion, Morgan is at her best when she is working with unconventional plot devices.  I truly liked both “Good Boy” and “Family Life as those were the strongest stories in the collection.

Grade:  C


Review by Jason Cavallaro
Twitter:  @pinheadspawn

I received a copy from Death's Head Press for review consideration.


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