[Review] - Dead Roses: 5 Dark Tales of Twisted Love

By Adam Light, Evans Light, Jason Parent, Edward Lorn, Gregor Xane

Published by Corpus Press

Unfiltered Extreme Visceral Love. All the pain and desire wrapped in a five story collection.

This is another engaging collection from Corpus Press. Five different authors take on the loose theme of love. Different voices and different styles combine to create a circus of a reading experience. We dig deep into all the feelings: new love, old love, holding on, letting go, vengeance and regret.

Eleanor - Jason Parent - A platonic love turns improper. Vicious, jaw-drop ending.

Love Lies In Eyes - Evans Light - Love at first sight. Promises made in the heat of the moment. Magical themes abound and hold those promises in place.

Cinder Block - Edward Lorn - A young man with a skewed picture of love brought on by his dark past finds false love and all the vengeance.

Loving the Goat - Gregor Xane - The title says it all. This story definitely crosses lines and pushes buttons. It's way more absurdity and bizarro than horror. Comedic throughout. Offensive and unapologetic. Unlikable slothful main character who brought to mind comparisons to Toole's Dunces. It is unfiltered extremism that results in an extraordinary glimpse at an author putting zero restraints on creativity.Β 

4 Stars

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Review by Well Read Beard
Twitter: @WellReadBeard

I purchased this book for review consideration.



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