[Review] - Master of Pain

by Wrath James White and Kristopher Rufty

I usually try to avoid reading the same author twice in a row, but I made a mistake in planning my reviews and read Wrath White's Voracious before this one.  This was okay though, since I really enjoy reading Wrath's stuff, and I've never read Rufty before.

In short, neither Voracious nor Master of Pain are examples of well executed extreme horror.  However, Master of Pain does a better job of creating inter-character conflicts and has a more standard plot format than Voracious.  Also, Master of Pain really works as dark (super dark) erotica.  For me, Master of Pain doesn't falter until the third act.  Here, our protagonist makes a few out-of-character decisions, which took me out of the story.  The very end of the story is great though; it was a welcome change of pace and completely unexpected.  Bravo guys.

Although this did not affect my rating of the book, I must say that this is the 3rd or 4th book from Death's Head Press that has multiple grammar/context issues throughout the book.  At worst, it's unprofessional, and at best it's distracting to the reader. 

Grade:Β  C

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Review by Jason Cavallaro
Twitter: @pinheadspawn

I received a copy of this book from Death's Head Press for review consideration.


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