Black Bloggers, Writers and Creators You Should Support and Follow On Social Media

And not just during Black History Month,
we mean every single day, all year long!


At Divination Hollow we believe strongly in promoting Own Voices content. We also invite people to explore outside of their “comfort zone” by listening to others outside their own demographic. It is not enough to just seek “equality", but rather we must set out to level the playing field and create equity. We must make room and make way, and promote healthy changes away from a mostly white, mostly cishetero male vibe in publishing and movie making. Let’s do better, together.


In this post, we’re putting together a list of people you should be supporting, watching, and following on your socials. It is best to be supporting Black Creators directly by means of passing the mic and then amplifying their voices. Please, go follow these folks, listen to what they have to say, and share their messages and content with others.

This list is by no means exhaustive!

We also encourage our readers to place their own links and suggestions in the comments!


Final Girls Film Fest: Isolation Horror Short Films


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