Book Review: Twisted Books to Leave You Shook

Twisted Books to Leave You Shook #1: Fright Filter

I find it so so so extremely important to explore horror books within all age groups, especially books for the younger readers. Am I bias due to my own horror-infused upbringing? Probably. But, in general, middle-grade horror spins a spooky story filled with usually outrageous creatures and turns it into a lesson in morals. That, my horror-loving friends, makes series like Goosebumps and the soon-to-be-discussed Twisted Books to Leave You Shook perfect for our younger spooky pals. If we’re exploring these books meant for younger readers, then we can easily recommend books to our children, nieces, nephews, the kid that lives down the street, etc. 

Twisted Books to Leave You Shook is a recent series to enter the middle-grade world and I am not disappointed whatsoever. I’m always on the lookout for Goosebumps-esque books, especially those that take a more modern take. C.S. James’ first entry into the series is titled Fright Filter and tells the story of Nicole, a girl who discovers new filters on her phone that can change her into various monsters. Nicole soon discovers that these filters are a bit too real and ends up changing her actual face. 

Fright Filter teaches the reader lessons on bullying and standing up against those who are treating others poorly. Honestly, a very timely and important read for everyone. And what makes it better is that this lesson is disguised as a frickin’ monster story! Our main character undergoes a few different monster looks; one particular being compared to the Creature of the Black Lagoon. Honestly, how fun. 

Fright Filter also plays around with plot twists, and personally, I was shook just as the series title warned I would be. Granted, I did figure out the twist fairly early on, however, C.S. James did an amazing job at seamlessly putting this story together. 

I would honestly recommend Fright Filter, as it’s only about an hour read and it’s truly filled with so much fun. It’s perfect for our youngins’ and those looking for that Goosebumps vibe. 

Rating: 5/5

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Review by Bex 


Twitter: @astoldbybex

I purchased this book. 


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