Cassie’s 5 Picks for Halloween Movie Night

Today, we present Cassie’s top 5 Halloween movies! 

Ginger Snaps (2000)

This is one of my all-time favorites, and it’s perfect for this list ‘cause it takes place over a few days around Halloween! For little Teen Cassie, this was a very formative movie for me: girl power, teenage rebellion, and MURDER? It ticks all my boxes, friends. I love it! There are also two movies that come after - a sequel, and a prequel! I love both and would recommend all 3 for spooky seasonal viewing, if possible!

Halloweentown (1998)

This is a Halloween classic for me and many other people, and I couldn’t leave it off! Marnie and her family are some of my favorite TV witches, and I honestly just wish they’d make a Halloweentown theme park already - how incredible would that be?! There are so many iconic things that I love from this one, and it answers the age-old question we’ve all been wondering for years: where does the other sock go when you lose it?

Idle Hands (1999)

When I was a pre-teen/teenager I had a crush on both Devon Sawa and Seth Green, so the arrival of this movie in the ‘dark comedy’ genre was everything. It’s goofy and gory, and if you’re looking for something serious, this probably won’t do it for you - but it’s a lot of fun, and the soundtrack is pretty good, too!

May (2002)

May is pretty horrific upon first watch in terms of violence and blood, but it’s also a really devastating look at what loneliness, grief, and rejection can do to a person’s psyche. I love this one, but I will warn that, of the rest on the list, it’s the least “fun” and the most psychologically horrifying.

Return of the Living Dead III (1993)

Although this is the only movie on the list that I don’t think takes place on Halloween, it was my favorite movie when I was a little girl, so I have to include it! I saw it for the first time when I was six years old, and Melinda Clarke as Julie changed my life. She was beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and that’s honestly the dream right there, and will forever be what I aspire to. This one’s also got a bit of sci-fi lean, and sci-fi horror is one of my favorite subgenres!

By Cassie Daley


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Twitter: @CtrlAltCassie


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