Dan’s Faves for Halloween Movie Night

You’re still looking for Halloween movie recs? Well lucky for you, one of our newest members Dan has provided some excellent suggestions below!

Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

This is one of my favorite movies to watch at this time of year (or admittedly, any time of year). It's great fun to watch with a group as you follow the antics of Tucker and Dale vs a Misunderstanding. You can play this for folks who aren't all that into horror too, because it's absolutely hilarious. This movie is just perfect for a chill night in with whoever you're with this Halloween (just, you know, maybe not younger kids!) 

Darkness Falls

A little more on the spooky side than the last movie, Darkness Falls is exactly what you'd expect from a 2000s horror movie. It's a little hokey, but if the idea of a malevolent witch ghost tooth fairy doesn't work for you...well, we have a different taste in movies, my friend! A good one to watch with the lights out, for full effect. This also stars Emma Caulfield for those Buffy fans who love Anya!

Dead Silence

Where the last movie doesn't always land genuine chills, Dead Silence does. It came out around the same time, but where Darkness Falls seems a little cheesy, Dead Silence scares the heck out of me. It's another relatively straightforward story, ghost of a dollmaker comes back to spook the living and...turn them into ventriloquist dummies. Graphically. Go get spooked and thank me later!


The only truly terrifying movie on the list, in my opinion. Halloween is more of a time for classic and comical scares, to me at least. That said, sometimes you need to get right in the POV of the protagonist and watch, powerlessly, as they try to survive something terrible. REC is a found footage style masterpiece that I consider a must see for fans of the subgenre. It crawls under your skin slowly, and then swiftly becomes relentless. If you haven't seen it, this is a perfect time to do so!

Freddy Vs Jason

I suspect there aren't many horror fans that haven't seen this one. It features two of the most recognizable icons of the genre, both of whom get their fair share of bloody fun in this movie. It's so rewatchable, and if you've somehow missed it, this is probably a new favourite waiting to be discovered. It embodies the spirit of Halloween for me, that gleeful approach to the dark and morbid that gets us so excited for this season. Watch it with your friends and family, share the spirit of this spookiest of seasons together over big bowls of candy and remember; he can't come back if nobody remembers, he can't come back if nobody's afraid. 

By Dan Sexton-Riley



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Ellen’s Reccs for Halloween Movie Night


Ellen Reviews “The House of the Devil”