A Book Review of “Primal Animals” by Julia Lynn Rubin


Primal Animals

By Julia Lynn Rubin

 Released May 24th 2022 

Category: YA Mystery/Horror Perfect for Fans of things like "Wicker Man" "Yellowjackets" "Midsommar" "The Skulls"

Like the hazy days of summer itself, this book will pull you in and keep you there in a daydream style stupor. The heavy weight and humidity of the warm forest air will bear down on you, trapping you forever in liminal spaces. You’ll find yourself reading for hours on end, even though you try your best to close it and put it down, but you won’t be able to tear yourself away. Much like Arlee Gold, you’ll be caught in its trance of mystery, thrills, tension, and romance until it’s too late and the horror has been unleashed. By then, you’ll gallop full speed, nonstop no matter the cost until you reach the end. 

It hardly feels real, that I’ve read any of this, and yet I have. It’s brutal; it’s gross; it’s horrific; it’s terribly bittersweet and romantic. And if there isn’t a follow up novel, or perhaps several and a series adaptation or a movie, I might set something on fire. Just kidding on that last bit but I really would be delighted to explore more of this universe. And I'm not saying I wouldn't sign up for this summer camp willingly, but I'm also not not saying it. (Please dear god someone make spooky adult summer camp a thing IRL, pretty please!!) 

I’m very committed to this creepy folk horror/cultish atmosphere and I’m enthralled and engrossed with the world building here. I need more. I crave it. Sign me up and I pledge my allegiance! Thanks NetGalley for giving me the chance to indulge in some of my fave genre fare. I do agree with the comparisons of Lord of the Flies meets Midsommar meets the Wicker Man and dare I also throw in a reference to The Skulls and even a touch of Equus vibes? It’s deliciously demented in the best of ways. I couldn’t put it down!

This would be the perfect book choice for a weekend camping trip in the mountains, and definitely a very satisfying read if you've not got a lot of time for a dense one.

Fair amount of queer rep and girls-kissing scenes, my all-time fave, hahaha! WOOO!

Caution: Does include mentions of death, dead bodies, dead animals.

Review by Ellen Avigliano
Letterboxd Reviews
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