Book Review: “Three Days in the Pink Tower” by E.V. Knight


Three Days in the Pink Tower
By E.V. Night

This is a hard review to write, just like it's a hard book to read - and, I imagine, to write as well. This is a fictionalized account of something that really happened to the author, and I strongly suggest checking into the content warnings before reading if you know that you'll need them.

This isn't my first book by E.V. Knight, and definitely won't be the last. She has such a great talent with her writing, and I absolutely adore everything I've read from her - even this, as painful and difficult to read as it is.

Taking control of the bad things that have happened to and hurt you, and morphing them in a way that gives you back your power, is so admirable. Truly in awe of how much strength and bravery it must take to share the story at all, but especially in a way - as a work of fiction - that can sometime invite criticisms from folks; I can't imagine it's easy, and I have so much respect for the author.

I don't know that I can recommend this solely because of the content / subject matter (and not knowing if people will struggle or be upset by that), but I can say that I'm glad to have read it.

Also, can we mention how cool the cover is?? I love it! More pink on book covers, please!

Review by Cassie Daley


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Twitter: @CtrlAltCassie


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