Earth Day: Establishing An Eco Conscious Mindset Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

La Llorona reminds you to please avoid polluting our waterways, and if you dump in local streams she’ll cry.

La Llorona reminds you to please avoid polluting our waterways, and if you dump in local streams she’ll cry.


Earth Day has events running April 20-22 this year in the lead up to actual Earth Day, April 22nd! And I know what you’re thinking: how can environmentally friendly actions really help me if I were stuck in the zombie apocalypse or being chased by a slasher. Good news! I’m here to squash those worries with tips that prove you can be environmentally friendly AND prepared to survive your own horror scenario!


We believe in using sustainable natural shoe fibers.  We hear Long Pig Leather is up and coming in fashion.

We believe in using sustainable natural shoe fibers. We hear Long Pig Leather is up and coming in fashion.



You know those shoes that you got on clearance at Target that are incredibly on trend yet broke after you wore them twice? It’s time for you to pivot from big-box discounted shoes and look to investing in shoes made of higher quality, sustainable materials. Not only do these shoes have components made of recycled goods, they also will last you far longer in the grand scheme of things, enabling you to outrun those slashers and zombies in comfort and style! And speaking of disposable, trendy clothing…


Give us Spoopy but make it Runway. *shutter click* *flash pop*

Give us Spoopy but make it Runway. *shutter click* *flash pop*

Slow Fashion:


It’s time to ditch those flimsy, cheap shirts that barely survive the wash cycle and start looking at higher-quality pieces that are thick, well-made, and perfect for packing in your go-kit when you need to go on the run in the middle of the night from the aliens invading your street. The higher-quality materials will last you longer, and the thicker knits will keep you warm as you camp out in the woods, concealed under the brush. Just like the shoes, these cost more up front, but the impact on the environment and your survival cannot be understated!


Since the Pandemic surge of 2020, you’ll find a variety of reusable, easily-cleaned masks to choose from.

Since the Pandemic surge of 2020, you’ll find a variety of reusable, easily-cleaned masks to choose from.



Those disposable masks we’ve been wearing for the past however-many-months-the-pandemic-has-been-going-on are adding to the landfills at an alarming rate. Jason and Michael reuse their masks, and so should you! Find some nice cotton ones that are easy to care for, and you’ll be able to reuse them easily. If you ARE Jason or Michael, you can double down on mask wearing for maximum safety as you bear down on your latest teen victim!


Why not opt a more environmentally friendly grave alternative and come back as a mutant plant?

Why not opt a more environmentally friendly grave alternative and come back as a mutant plant?

Body Decomposition:


Look, Jason and Michael. I know you love having very dramatic deaths. We love you for it! But maybe consider placing the recently deceased bodies of the teens out in the woods so nature can fully reclaim the body. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to have a tree sprout from the decomposed remains, nutrients stemming from your nameless victim? Look into green burials. We are all a part of nature, so why not give some consideration to returning to it rather than staying confined in a coffin where vampires live?


Just think, reusing a bag or a plastic pumpkin can make it feel like Halloween all year round!

Just think, reusing a bag or a plastic pumpkin can make it feel like Halloween all year round!

Reduce Reuse Recycle: 


Something easy that everyone can do is look for products that are easily recyclable. Start ditching the single-use plastic for sturdy reusable grocery bags that can double as go-kits when the zombies come knocking at your door. You can bring your own mesh bags to the grocery to put your produce in, or maybe you’re conveniently located near a zero-waste bulk store! For beauty and bath products, consider using Loop, where every every empty bottle or box of product can be returned and reused, Remember, adding to the trash in the oceans and landfills strengthens all those trashmonsters lurking, watching, waiting. Don’t let your empty shampoo bottle be the last bit of armor it needs before it goes on its rampage.


Every time you don’t recycle this pumpkin gets even sadder looking. Don’t make him saddest :C

Every time you don’t recycle this pumpkin gets even sadder looking. Don’t make him saddest! :C

Are you interested in talking shop about environmentalism, sustainability, and horror?
Hit me up on the birdapp at
I’m always open to discussing strategies for maximum survival!

Article by Regi
Find Regi on


Book Review: “Your Turn to Suffer” by Tim Waggoner


Respect Mother Nature, or Else: Dun dun dunnnn!