Treat Yourself To Some Fun and Get to Know Our Team!


The House here at Divination Hollow has lots of room to expand our little spooky family. And we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve added some new teammates! So to celebrate their arrival, we thought it was high time we have another “get to know us” post. Several of our “old timers” have also joined in the fun, too!!

So grab some candy corn and a PSL and settle on in to get cozy with our crew. <3 XOXO - The Div Hollow Team!



3 Favorite Halloween Candies:

- Watermelon Jolly Ranchers

- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

- Peanut M&Ms

3 Favorite Halloween Movies:

- Halloweentown

- The Addams Family

- Hocus Pocus

3 Favorite Things About Halloween:

- Sweater weather

- Carving pumpkins


1 Best Halloween Memory:

When I was 6 or 7, I dressed up like a fairy princess and went trick-or-treating with my dad until my entire bag was overflowing with candy. We came home after and watched a long late-night marathon of The Munsters while I ate enough candy to get sick, and I fell asleep in my sparkly princess dress with chocolate all over my face. YUMMA!



3 Favorite Halloween Candies:

- Snickers

- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

- Chips

3 Favorite Halloween Movies:

- HellHouse LLC

- Ginger Snaps

- The 2-Part Haunted Mask Episdoes of Goosebumps

3 Favorite Things About Halloween:

- Openly being spooky/creepy-cute

- Dressing in costumes

- Gorging on all of the horror media that is readily available and easily consumable during October

1 Best Halloween Memory:

The local Halloween parades were a highlight of my teenage years. They were the first time I was allowed to actually participate in Halloween since I Was in marching band, and my family struggled coming up with an excuse. Seeing all of the people come out to eat candy and listen to marching band covers of “Thriller” and “The Monster Mash” confirmed that this was a holiday I was tired of missing out on



3 fave halloween candies: Reese's bats, Reese's pumpkins, Reese's ghosts (actually haven't tried those, but I know I like em)

3 films:  Trick R Treat, Gonjiam:  The Haunted Asylum, A Nightmare on Elm St

3 fave halloween things:  1:  Black cat stuff is everywhere, 2:  weather 3:  All-horror novel October!  (I know I can technically do this every month, but it's more fun to save them)

1 fave memory:  I don't know if it's my favorite, but when I was 7 yrs old, I wanted to dress as a mummy, so I ripped up a bunch of thermal underwear and wore that as my costume.  For some reason I thought I'd look EXACTLY like a mummy if I did this.



3 Fave Halloween Candies:

So the Halloween candy one is a bit tricky for me, idk what the attitude is now but while I was growing up trick or treating was not widely done, it was kind of looked-down upon as an American import. I only went once I think?

For the rest:

3 Fave Halloween Films

I’m going to adjust this slightly and say if I was putting on an adult Halloween party I would show Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Sorority Row, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

3 Fave Things About Halloween

- Halloween coincides with Winter drawing in, when the nights become longer than the days (in this part of the world) which really sets the spooky mood.

- I like wandering around town and seeing Halloween decorations and novelties, everyone else is on my wavelength for once

- There’s always so many amazing-sounding events going on, one year here it was ghost stories at the castle, there are parties, ghost hunts, murder mystery nights…

1 Fav Halloween memory

… I must’ve been about 9, I was in this children’s drama club that ran a week-long Halloween event over the October half term, five days of games, acting and dress up, and on the final day we had professional stage makeup and prosthetics and I got this massive realistic open gash on my right cheek, and that night there was a big party with all the kids and families

IF I went trick or treating…. Hmmm… I’d want maoams, jelly skulls, and drumstick lollipops.



3 most fave halloween candies you want in your trick or treat bag:

skittles, sour gummy worms, warheads

- 3 fave Halloween movies:

Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, The Addams Family

3 of your top fave things about halloween

It's a time when it's ok to be spooky!
All the skull decorations in the shops
Nonstop Halloween shows and movies on TV

1 of your best halloween memories:

My friend went trick or treating as a tube of toothpaste once and it was absolutely absurd



3 Halloween Candies I want in my bag:

- Butterfinger - Reese's Pieces - Candy corn

3 Halloween Movies:

- Halloween (1978) - Scream - The Wicker Man

Top 3 Fave Things About Halloween:

- Corn mazes. I love going to corn mazes, getting a hot cup of apple cider and getting lost for a few hours, or years, or whatever. Even better if they are horror themed!

- October is the only month that I really felt okay to be me. I'm into some really spooky and macabre stuff and it's fun to see everyone else get into the things I'm into all year round.

- I love haunted houses!!!!

My favorite Halloween memory was making multiple costumes, going trick or treating, going home, emptying my pillowcases of candy, hopping into a second costume and hitting the town for a round 2. In hindsight, my parent really should have stopped me from getting the extra candy!!



3 Halloween candies I want in my bag:

- Nerds - Bit o’ Honey (hush don’t judge me) - Tropical Skittles

3 Fave Halloween movies:

- Hocus Pocus - Addams Family Values - Halloween (2019)

3 of my top fave things about Halloween:

- for like a month everyone is into spooky shit as much as I am

- I get to decorate my friends’ houses when we have parties and I am a budget Halloween decor MASTER

- growing up, one of my favorite things in the world was when the Halloween Episode of my favorite TV shows would air (Boy Meets World, y’all, come on!)

1 of my best Halloween memories is the year my mother spent so much time trying to help me get my costume right—as always, seriously, my costumes were incredible— that she ran out of time and money (not that we had much of either to begin with) to make hers a little less objectively horrifying and I got to see her accidentally scare the ever-loving shit out of my baby cousins with this DIY Big Bird costume:


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