Open Call: Women In Horror Month*


Divination Hollow Presents: Women in Horror Month

Open Call for Content to run February 2021

Women in Horror are taking over Divination Hollow in February 2021, to celebrate Women in Horror Month alongside Black History Month. We are open to submissions from November 12th 2020 until January 3rd 2021. We are looking for reviews, interviews, articles, essays, listicles, and short stories focused around Women in Horror, up to 3K words. We will be prioritising #OwnVoices content for this, but are happy to review submissions from allies as well. We are also open to content regarding Horror-adjacent genres, such as Sci-Fi, Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, etc, and non-fiction such as True Crime.

We will accept reprints.

Please note, submissions are on a voluntary basis; we are unfortunately unable to pay for content at this time.

If you would like to submit, please e-mail dhrfeatures[@]gmail[.]com

All submissions should be formatted with no indents, and a single space between paragraphs. Please include any images you would like used with your feature, and a short biography as well as any social media links at the bottom of your feature. Please include in the e-mail subject line WIHM – Submission Title – Type of Submission [review/article/essay etc].

Please direct any questions to the same e-mail address, with the subject line WIHM – Question. This enables us to ensure we can check and respond to any questions ASAP.

We are happy for you to submit multiple pieces of content, but please wait for a response to one piece before sending another. We will try to provide responses as soon as possible.

Key Points

OwnVoices content to be prioritised

Reviews, articles, essays, short stories, interviews, listicles can all be submitted, as well as ‘profiles’

Content does not have to be focused on books and authors, as we welcome content related to films, video games, TV shows etc as well.

Questions and submissions to be sent to dhrfeatures[@]gmail[.]com

Maximum 3K words

Horror-adjacent genres also welcome


Open Call: Black History In Horror Month*


Welcome to Divination Hollow