Sentimental Tentacles: A Review of “Acsquidentally in Love” by K.L. Hiers


Sentimental Tentacles: A Column Highlighting Weird and Paranormal Romance

Acsquidentally In Love by K.L. Hiers

Rating: 5 tentacles out of 5


or to be more precise M/ATG (ancient tentacle god)

What if the god you pray to answers your prayers in person?

The world Hiers creates mirrors ours. Mundane life alongside registered magic users and ancient gods waking up and dropping in on a world that has relegated them to cheap holiday decorations in favor of a prissy Lord of Light. A worshiper of those forgotten gods, Sloane, has derailed most of his life searching for his parents' killer.

This delightfully punny book follows Sloane and his new boyfriend, the ancient god Azaethoth the Lesser, patron of thieves and tricksters, as they search for a killer and find love. Cue the audience AWWWWW. With a well-rounded cast of side characters (yes there are more books in the series, tentacles for EVERYONE) they investigate the killing of one of Azaethoth's followers and stumble into a larger plot (I already told you MORE BOOKS) tied to the death of Sloane's parents. Even though this is a series, the story is wrapped up satisfactorily at the end of the book.

I have read 5 of the 6 Sucker For Love Mysteries and I have to say they are all a delightful romp. If you need buddy/romance mystery solving and explicit tentacle sex ::throws books at you:: All that being said, if you won't enjoy the ins and outs of tentacle sex, tentacle blow jobs, divine fluids (yes that), necromancy, minor larceny and light murdering then this isn't for you.

Purchase a copy here: Amazon US Amazon UK

Review by: Heather Pope

Twitter: @blueknits


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