“Someone to Share My Nightmares” Weekend: Book Review by Horror Hellion


Do you want to have sex with Krampus? That's a personal question I know, but someone needed to ask. This is a sexy book, some of the stories are HOT! If this book was a movie it would be rated NC-17. I don't suggest lending it to any children.

Sonora knocks it out of the park with the first story "Someone to Share my Nightmares". I thought about the cover as I read it and, just a spoiler, it has nothing to do with sexy skeletons.

I don't want to describe every story because that would be no fun for you, the future reader, but let me hit the high points. A big story I feel we will be hearing a lot about is "The Parrot" it was incredible! All the fun technology we are used to in this day and age plus some murder. "The Sharps" it brings the creep factor in the book up a level and it's another reason I don't want to go to the lake. My favorite story though was the last one, "Tis Better to Want", I didn't know I needed that as a story but I did and I bet you do too.

Just remember this book is HOT so be careful and don't burn your hands.


Review by Heather

I am Heather the Horror Hellion. I have decided to start reviewing something that means so much to me. Horror books!
I have been a fan of everything horror since I was a child. I have noticed with the horror community, other than they are amazing, is there are not many people that look like me. I have never met another Black horror fan in real life and I'm using this as a way to show other Black people who enjoy horror and reading that there are others like us.

Feel free to find me on other platforms!

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A band of bloodthirsty sea creatures terrorize a scientist and a journalist trapped in a Carolina cove. The seduction of a plumber making a house call becomes a nightmarish haunting for both parties. A woman transformed for her lover has second thoughts about just how good "together forever" can be. And the one man a woman wants for Christmas is the holiday demon sent to punish the wicked.

Someone to Share My Nightmares is a tapestry of horrors interwoven with sensuality.
Can our deepest fears be vanquished when they’re shared with someone else?
Or is the danger doubled when two people come together?


“Someone to Share My Nightmares” Weekend: Book Review by BarksBooks


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