Book Review: Stay Alive by James Harberson, Mackie Wildwood, and Stephen Baskerville

stay alive.jpg

James Harberson/Mackie Wildwood, art by Stephen Baskerville

It isn't often that I get to review a graphic novel, and I NEVER get to review splatterpunky graphic novels, so this was a rare treat for me.  (Thanks Patrick!)

I have to be real careful here, because it's easy to spoil a graphic novel.  Think The Running Man, but add social media and tons of gore.  Excellent use of mob mentality and it all culminates into a shocking conclusion.  That is all you're getting from me.  

Baskerville's art is also delightfully garish.  The gore really jumps off of the page.  I wonder if Stephen had to take a break and go to the local art supply store to get some more reds...

My only criticism here is the lack of a sympathetic protagonist.  However, I do believe this was by design, and Harberson intended to write a fast-moving and fun gorefest while also saying a few things about our media-obsessed society.

If you've been nostalgic for the EC comics days, then look no further than Stay Alive.

Grade:  B

Review by Jason Cavallaro

Twitter:  @pinheadspawn

I received a copy from the author for review consideration.


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