Welcome to the new Dead Head Reviews!
Poster Flyer designed by Ellen Avigliano
New Logo Designed by Tricia Springfield
It’s our birthday!
To celebrate we’ve revamped our website thanks to our Admin, Ellen! Please, take a look around and see what exciting new content we have to offer.
You’ll find a brand new Mission and Values page, an FAQ section, updated bios and photos for our Team Contributors, and more.
Access all of the social media and listening links for our partner podcast, Dead Headspace, from the Podcast drop-down menu.
If you’re an author, filmmaker, game designer, or other creative wishing to submit your media to our team for review consideration? We’ve got our easy to use Media for Review form and policies in the top menu bar. Feel free to submit any of your films, books, or products and one of our admins will distribute to our team members for future content.
If you’re interested in submitting content to our blog as a Special Guest Contributor, we’ve got several ways you can participate. First up is our Pitch A Feature menu; submit your pitches for features for consideration by our Head Copy Editor. In addition, watch our Open Calls page if you’d like to be the first to know when we’re seeking Special Feature Content from the general public.
Under the Follow Us tab, you’ll be able to visit recent feeds of our Social Media such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
We’re mostly up and running, but will be adding more exciting new content as the year progresses. Within the next few months, you’ll be able to access our archive section known as The Crypt. The Crypt will house all of our previously hosted wordpress-based blog posts from 2019 and early 2020.
In addition to all of these amazing new features, we’ve also adopted a brand new custom logo!
You’ll see these guys popping up all over our social media and various content throughout 2020 and 2021.
Our new zombie mascots, Seymore (left, green) and Arthur (right, blue), were designed by Tricia Springfield. Be sure to follow Tricia online, check out her portfolio, and of course reach out to her about your Graphic Design needs.