[Review] - The Mind's Plague

By Morgan K Tanner

The Mind’s Plague, a collection of 10 short stories in 123 pages, is my first experience with author Morgan K. Tanner’s work. There is a heavy darkness in each of the tales which seems to swell as the stories progress. Three of the stories had major elements centered around internet videos and internet fame; it is a message which feels pretty powerful and relevant, especially considering that I am typing this online, tweeting about it in hopes to get some likes and comments, and then doing a YouTube video which I hope increases my following, and, well, you get it. Some of these hit close to home with the world we currently occupy.

The Mind's Plague - An internet video turns people murderous, making them see things or possibly see what is really there?

An Abhorrent Art - An artistic architecturally beautiful city built of death and gore. Bodies.

For David - A stalkerish fan of a fading movie star - turns out to be more than just a fan.

Conflagration Desecration - A drummer auditions for a new band.

The Price Of Fame - My favorite story. Talks about people achieving fame for nothing. This new world internet fame.

Reluctant Bloodlust - Cool zombie tale - Reunited and it feels so good.

Thieves - Two men robbing the house of a bedridden, fading mob boss/amateur boxer. Man, I hope he is as bedridden as I heard...

Grieving - My 2nd favorite - A grieving father lets his grief for his daughter put him in a troublesome situation.

As Good As Dead - Cool story idea, super short. Survivor of a home invasion wakes up the next morning.

Room 405 - Most haunting story from the book. Haunted hotel story with a twist.

Review by Well Read Beard
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQhRWXKLguScFvT4R319pQ

I received a copy from the author for review consideration.


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