Book Review: Hateful Pitches by Leo X. Robertson


Published by Unnerving

Genre: Horror/Crime


I do enjoy crime novels so I was interested to read this.


It’s Ben’s twenty-fourth birthday and his estranged dad—the great but egotistical film talent advisor, Oliver Baring—has invited him to celebrate at The Moth & Flame, a fancy restaurant south of London’s Hyde Park.


Ben, having once thought himself too practical and modest for a career in the arts, wrote a script for his dad to read, more for attention than aspiration. But thanks to the latest rumours about Oliver Baring, whether Ben can get Dad to read it is soon the least of their problems.


In a world where everyone’s got a story idea in them, and no one can keep it there, Ben wonders if words will be enough, or whether he’ll resort to violence to make his mark on the world.


Oh how I love this book and now I need to go back and read his other books.


Everything about this book was great.


Everyone has a limit until they snap…. I wonder how long yours is?


Review by Helen


I received a copy of this ebook from the author for review consideration


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