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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Halloween Book Review: Spooksmiths Investigate: The Cinderman
Halloween, Book Review, Middle Grade, Horror, Helen Divination Hollow Features Halloween, Book Review, Middle Grade, Horror, Helen Divination Hollow Features

Halloween Book Review: Spooksmiths Investigate: The Cinderman

Welcome to Divination Hollow's Halloween House Party! This month, we bring you reviews, lists and more for the most spooky of seasons.

Helen reviews the MG horror, Spooksmiths Investigate: The Cinderman. Indigo and Rusty might live in a funeral parlour, but they don't believe in ghosts. That is, until Indigo drops an old urn, accidentally releasing the Cinderman: a terrifying ash monster, who will smother their town in ashes and turn everyone into zombies, unless they can stop him by sunset.


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Book Review: Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek
Book Review, Horror Fantasy Romance, Helen Divination Hollow Features Book Review, Horror Fantasy Romance, Helen Divination Hollow Features

Book Review: Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

Thanks for stopping by our blog! Helen reviews Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

Raised in a small village near the spirit-wood, Liska Radost knows that Magic is monstrous, and its practitioners, monsters. After Liska unleashes her own powers with devastating consequences, she is caught by the demon warden of the wood – the Leszy – who offers her a bargain: one year of servitude in exchange for a wish.


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