On the Subject of Librarians: An Ode


On the Subject of Librarians: An Ode

I’ve been very lucky in my time as a writer. I’ve made some wonderful connections with other, like-minded authors, in the trenches, toiling away on their latest horror masterpiece. I’ve become friendly with Booktubers, Bookstagrammers, Podcast hosts, etc. It’s a wonderful community.

That said, a community in writing who, I think, often go disregarded are our wonderfully passionate and talented librarians. Here in New York, I’ve become friendly with a bunch; they’ve invited me for lectures, they’ve booked me for readings, had me teach classes, and some have even had me on their various podcasts. 

You see, your average librarian isn’t just walking the rows of books, pledging their allegiance to Dewey and his decimal system. Your average librarian most likely has their toe in the marketing pool. Another toe in the entertainment pool. Still yet another toe in the tastemaker pool.

To be a librarian in the modern era is to be an individual who keeps their finger on the pulse of what is coming, what will be, and what you should be reading. You want that latest best-seller? Of course they’ll have it, warm and ready to go. But when you’re done with that, they’ll have recommendations for you based on whether you loved or hated the book. 

Librarians are superior to any algorithm your favorite shopping site can provide. Hell, they’re superior for the simple fact that they don’t charge you. Except a late fee, in which case, don’t be a goofball, return your books on time or early.

Here’s to you, librarians. You have always made my time in your hallowed rows special, from my time as a child renting Alice in Wonderland on VHS over and over, to my time as an adult, reading my spooky fiction to packed crowds online and in-person.

You are our arms-dealers of knowledge, betterment, culture and taste. And for that, I bow to you.

Robert P. Ottone is an author and cigar enthusiast from East Islip, NY. He delights in the creepy. He can be found online at www.SpookyHousePress.com, or on Instagram/Twitter (@RobertOttone). His collections Her Infernal Name & Other Nightmares and People: A Horror Anthology about Love, Loss, Life & Things That Go Bump in the Night are available now wherever books are sold

The Girl in the Floor is available on Kindle Vella

Her Infernal Name & Other Nightmares


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