Fun Double Feature Slasher Movie Pairings for Teens


Another short list of slasher movies but this time aimed at youthful viewers rather than focusing on my personal faves. Some of the newer movies on this list I personally didn't care for, but I can respect that fact that my age probably had something to do with it, and I feel that younger audiences would connect more! I think the real fun in Slasher movie fare is that they always lend themselves well to group watches where everyone is cheering and shouting with delight or groaning with disgust. So I thought I'd share some short silly reasons on why the movies on this list would be great at a weekend movie night or sleepover with the Teen set.

Prom Night (original only) and Terror Train

It's a classic! Murder and mayhem in the high school halls as Jamie Lee Curtis raises hell on this, the night of her prom. Skip the Prom Night remake, since it's absolutely ridiculous, and just go right for Terror Train. You'll get another healthy dose of our legendary Scream Queen Jamie with a little Holiday Flavor since it takes place on New Years Eve. And a little personal note here: be on the lookout for the best halloween costume ever, btw: A Pair of Pants (you'll see what Imean.)

When a Stranger Calls (original and remake)

I swear to god I would not want to be a babysitter from the mid-70s through all of the 80s. It seems like all of them had a really, really bad time?! I think the original would make a great sleepover double feature when paired with the update from the early 2000s.

My Bloody Valentine (original and remake)

What's more romantic than getting a real heart in a box from your Valentine? NOTHING THAT'S WHAT! And you can watch it happen twice in a row for a double dose of romance by pairing the hokey old school version with the Jensen Ackles update. (Okay maybe it's more romantic to get a human heart in a box from Dean Winchester, but they're both still fun movies!)

Friday the 13th (original) and Jason X
I think pairing these two Jason Vorhees movies together would be a trip and a half! The first original installment introduces your teens to everything Jason has to offer, just enough so they'll catch the references of that wickedly funny sleeping bag scene in the utterly batshit and largely unrelated to canon Jason X. I can't think of anything more fun than

Hellfest and Thriller and There's Someone Inside Your House

You've got Theme Park Slasher, Slasher in the Hood, and Slasher in a Small Town for a nice variety of settings. Also, all of the cast appears to be actual teenagers or barely-20s and that brings some refreshing energy to the table. It's nice to not be subjected to a cast of unconvincing adults trying to look 16 and instead looking like ultra creepazoids.

Halloween and Halloween 2018

As a kid my dad always loved to pair a classic with an update, and I think these two would make a great pairing! I mean you can't go wrong with the original, ever, and I think deleting the mess of later Halloween installments from canon and running into 2018's continuation would be smart. If you have brave teenagers you could of course swap in Rob Zombie's Halloween in place of 2018, but I personally think that might be a little much for the average teen (I had a rough time watching it in theatres as a 20 something hahahaha!)

The Babysitter Duology

Two words: Samara Weaving. (Literally, I'm not writing anything else about it.)

Fear Street Series

While I'm not personally a fan of the first or third one, I think the second one had a lot of fun qualities. Regardless of your opinion on the trilogy as an adult, there's plenty of violence, mayhem, and shenanigans to be had for older teenagers who can stomach over the top bloody kills. It'd be great for an all-night marathon to binge them right in a row thanks to the wrap-around storyline that unites the 3 timelines.

Seeing all of these movies listed here together makes me wish I was capable of doing a Freaky Friday and being a teen for a day just so I could experience these with fresh eyes and my besties! But since I can't, I hope your kiddos will enjoy them with the same enthusiasm and find plenty of thrills, chills, and screams here.

List by Ellen Avigliano

Twitter: @imaginariumcs



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