Book Review: “Glitter Vipers” by Joe Glass

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Glitter Vipers Graphic Novel

Joe Glass (Writer) and Katie Fleming (Illustrator)


As soon as I saw Joe Glass was doing a graphic novel through Kickstarter, I knew I had to get my hands on it. Glass may not yet be a huge name in comics, but if he isn’t currently on your radar, you might want to correct that. The Pride – available currently via ComiXology – is coming in print form next June, and is well worth checking out. Glitter Vipers is a different kind of beast, but the two are linked in terms of themes, mainly around being LGBTQ+ and finding your own family when, sometimes, you’ve been hurt by your blood.


Glitter Vipers follows a drag queen and their LGBTQ+ friends, as they fight against homophobia. 


The characters are spurred on by a tragedy, and the graphic novel doesn’t shy away from darker elements. We not only see the group go up against homophobic skinheads, but we see it in context of wider events; the emergence of the right-wing, protests against teaching LGBTQ+ topics in schools, the treatment of queer people at the hands of authority. This isn’t just a case of deciding they want revenge; the group feel they have no other options. 


The characters are engaging and relatable, struggling against a world which will not accept them, but still trying to make that world a better place for them and anyone who feels the same way. This isn’t just about violence, or revenge, it’s about acceptance, too, about listening and acting and dealing with things that perhaps make people uncomfortable, confronting the reasons why people have to scream because no one listens when they talk.


The book is wonderfully written, the art matches the overall tone, and the grindhouse feel is solid. Well worth checking out, and keep an eye out for Glass’ future projects, too. 


Grade: A


Author Website

Joe Glass on ComiXology UK

Joe Glass on ComiXology US


Review by Elle Turpitt



I purchased this graphic novel via the Glitter Vampires’ Kickstarter campaign. 


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