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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Graphic Novel Review: “The Scent of May Rain”

Graphic Novel Review: “The Scent of May Rain”

Regi is bringing us some fresh new takes on book reviews with this graphic novel post! This indie graphic novella covers Jewish folklore and belief in a historical fiction package. You don’t want to miss out on this Kickstarter funded project. Check it out on today’s post!

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Book Review: Blood and Brimstone by John F.D. Taff
Book Review Guest User Book Review Guest User

Book Review: Blood and Brimstone by John F.D. Taff

John F.D. Taff’s The Fearing series was an absolute event last year. I looked forward to each of the four releases and lamented the six week wait to find out what happened next. When volume four arrived, Taff managed to bring the whole thing to a satisfactory conclusion. It didn’t take long for rumblings to begin about Taff returning to the Fearing universe to tell additional stories. When it was announced that he’d be teaming up with Matt Corley of Saturday Morning Scenarios to tell a story set during the events of The Fearing and turn it into an RPG, I was sold before the punctuation hit.

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