Graphic Novel Review: “The Scent of May Rain”

The Scent of May Rain


Story: Rae Epstein and Mark O. Stack

Script: Mark O. Stack

Art: Kaylee Rowena

Letters: Cardinal Rae

Finding Your Own Truth - Graphic Novella “The Scent of May Rain”

I stumbled on the Kickstarter for The Scent of May Rain during one of my binge-backing sessions at 3am, early on in its campaign. The concept intrigued me. The graphic novella follows the life of a golem woman from her creation to the present day, a time span of 100 years. 

Just for a little bit of context, a golem is a creature from Jewish folklore created from clay then imbued with life. Once it’s brought to life, its purpose can vary based on the intent of the creator. For the plot of the novella, the golem is shaped like a woman and meant to be a mother to the creator’s daughter. She wears makeup to cover her clay complexion, and is subject to the whims of both the father and daughter based on her directives. 


What this means, though, is that she experiences each decade as a woman forever appearing to be in her 20s, and with all the baggage and progress each year brings. Forever tied to her directive. But what if she doesn’t want that anymore? Is it possible for a golem to have free will outside of the intent of its creator? What if tradition isn’t a good fit for you as an individual?

Therein lies the crux of the story. Blending fantasy, folklore, LGBTQ+, and philosophy, The Scent of May Rain is an engrossing graphic novella that doesn’t take long to read, but will stay with you for many years to come. 


Review by Regi


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