Jason Cavallaro Presents: My Favorite Monster Books



It's Monster Month here at Dead Head Reviews, and what better way to celebrate than spending more money on books?  

I've compiled a list of my favorite monster books here, but I've skipped the ones that you've already heard of (or read already):  Dracula, I am Legend, Jaws, The Rising, The Wolf's Hour, Interview with the Vampire, Frankenstein, etc..  

This is in no way a comprehensive list.  Hurricane Rita drowned all of my books in 2005, so it's difficult for me to even formulate a list like this without having those ten years’ worth of books to refer back to.  Nevertheless, I hope I can point you to at least one monster novel that you weren't aware of and could possibly enjoy!

Let’s get started.



Perhaps the most overused of the horror tropes.
Luckily, the following writers have done something special with our favorite monster.

Bite and The Stake by Richard Laymon

Most know about Laymon's vampire masterpiece, The Traveling Vampire Show, but don't sleep on these!

Fat White Vampire Blues by Andrew Fox

Christopher Moore fans should take note of this one.  Funny stuff.

I Travel by Night by Robert McCammon

I told myself I wouldn't list any McCammon books, but this one is underappreciated.

Dust Devils by Jonathan Janz

Violent and fast paced.



Even if you're tired of zombies, these may revive your interest.

Blood Crazy by Simon Clark

This is my favorite zombie novel.  The sequel, Stranger, is also very good.

Desper Hollow by Elizabeth Massie

Sineater is her masterpiece, but many don't even know about this one.

Rabid Heart by Jeremy Wagner

Splatterpunk award nominated!  I loved The Armageddon Chord, but this one is even better.

Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

This one may be too obvious, but I had to say it.  Young adult horror at its absolute best.



To writers:  could you make more of these please?

Saint Peter's Wolf by Michael Cadnum

The Scream Factory's number one rated werewolf novel.

Wolf Land by Jonathan Janz

Richard Laymon-esque, which is a high compliment for me.

Warrior Wolf Women of the Wasteland by Carlton Mellick III

Bizarro take on Mad Max.  Mellick does not disappoint.

Carnivorous Lunar Activities by Max Booth III

Booth's unique style...plus werewolves! 



Ok, maybe they're not monsters, but they're fun so I'm including them.

Hobbomock by Ryan C Thomas

Extreme horror witch tale.  And don't forget about The Summer I Died either.

Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

This one gets some mixed reviews, but I think it's worth it just for the super creepy imagery.



Jaws is like The Exorcist of water horror, but these are good too.

Killer by Peter Tonkin

This ain't Sea World!

Meg by Steve Alten

Despite getting a big screen adaptation, Alten still doesn't have a big enough readership.



The following either don't fit neatly into a category, or they do, and I didn't want to spoil it.


Dweller by Jeff Strand

Strand's best book, and possibly my favorite from this entire list.

The Bighead by Edward Lee

My favorite Lee book.  Gross and fun.

The Grinding by Matt Dinniman

This one is bonkers.  Kind of like a bizarro and extreme horror version of Clive Barker's "In the Hills, the Cities".

The Boulevard Monster by Jeremy Hepler

Reminds me of Bentley Little some, in the best way possible.

The Troop by Nick Cutter

Does this one count?  I think so.

The Big Meat by Carlton Mellick III

Leave it up to CMIII to come up with a super original monster story premise.

The Amazing Mr. Howard by Kenneth Harmon

Another great premise in this one.

Children of the Dark by Jonathan Janz

Janz's best book.

Halloween Fiend by C.V. Hunt

And while you're at it, Ritualistic Human Sacrifice too.

The Preserve by Patrick Lestewka

Definite Predator vibes. 

Wayward Pines Trilogy by Blake Crouch

Great sci-fi/ horror hybrid.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

YA masterpiece.




I know that not all of you read these, but just in case...


Severed by Scott Snyder

My favorite horror graphic novel.

I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly

I love it with all of my heart. 

Bad Blood by Jonathan Maberry

Yeah, he does these too. 

Batman & Dracula:  Red Rain, by Doug Moench

Yeah, Batman fought Dracula once...just so you know.

DC House of Horror by Various

Comic/horror anthology.  Horror + superheroes + your favorite horror writers = win

DCeased by Tom Taylor

DC's answer to Marvel Zombies, but better.


Ok, that is the best that I can do.  I hope you didn't spend all of your money!!


Article by Jason Cavallaro


Twitter:  @pinheadspawn


Amateur Dramatics: a Short Story


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