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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Women in Horror Month Book Review: Z-Town by Eden Darry

Women in Horror Month Book Review: Z-Town by Eden Darry

Welcome to Women In Horror Month!

We’ve bumped our festivities from February into March, to allow even more space for highlighting and spotlighting marginalized voices and creators. We’re thrilled to be back for another month of amazing content highlighting girls, women, and femmes for WIHM!

Thanks for stopping by our blog! Click through to read the latest from our team contributors and special guests!


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Jason Cavallaro Presents: My Favorite Monster Books
Listicle, Book Review, Monster Mash Guest User Listicle, Book Review, Monster Mash Guest User

Jason Cavallaro Presents: My Favorite Monster Books

It's Monster Month here at Dead Head Reviews, and what better way to celebrate than spending more money on books?

I've compiled a list of my favorite monster books here, but I've skipped the ones that you've already heard of (or read already): Dracula, I am Legend, Jaws, The Rising, The Wolf's Hour, Interview with the Vampire, Frankenstein, etc..

This is in no way a comprehensive list. Hurricane Rita drowned all of my books in 2005, so it's difficult for me to even formulate a list like this without having those ten years’ worth of books to refer back to. Nevertheless, I hope I can point you to at least one monster novel that you weren't aware of and could possibly enjoy! Let’s get started.

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The Last Of Us 2: Storytelling At Its Finest
Monster Mash, Game Review Guest User Monster Mash, Game Review Guest User

The Last Of Us 2: Storytelling At Its Finest

It’s been about three weeks since I’ve watched the credits and I am still thinking about Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us 2.

Upon its release, The Last of Us 2 was greeted with a mix of reviews. From those absolutely loving their return to the emotional story we originally fell in love with to backlash based on Abby’s appearance and role in the game. Before we get too far, we gotta get something out of the way: I am definitely an Abby stan.

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