It’s National Cookie Day!


Today is National Cookie Day, Hooray!!!

We thought we’d celebrate with a round-up of some of our favourite holiday baking recommendations as well as a list of places where you can order your loved ones some Horror themed cookie deliveries.  Got a fave recipe that you make every year? Drop a link to it or type up the recipe in the comments below to share with the community.

Where to Buy Custom Horror Cookies and More:

Horror Themed Cookie Gifts:

Did you know that the modern day holiday cookies we know and love today began with recipes from Medieval Europe?  As people began to travel and explore other cultures, previously unavailable ingredients such as cinnamon, ginger, almonds, and dried fruit made their way into Western Europe’s homes and bakeries.  The earliest known appearance of Christmas Cookies in the US was in the 17th century by Dutch Settlers.  In the late 1800s and early 1900s, cookie cutters began appearing in the US thanks to more relaxed import laws, and recipes using them became more prevalent.  North American traditions of leaving out cookies and milk for Santa originated in the 1930s. (That is, if mom or dad don’t eat them first!)  As you can see, cookies are a beloved traditional holiday food!

Love cookies as much as we love talking about them?

Why not try your hand at creating your own traditions with one of these fantastic recommended recipes:

If you’ve recently taken up baking thanks to Lockdown Life in the Pandemic of 2020, we’re willing to bet you’d like to step up your game with some new baking tools!

Take a peek at some of the tools we find indispensable:


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