Mishaps and Mayhem in a Mansion: Movie Review of “Body”


Body (2015)

Runtime 75 mins

Directed by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen

Now Streaming on Shudder

Trigger Warnings: body horror, blood, sexual/suggestive content

The less you know about horror-thriller “Body” going in, the better. This movie may not be the most original thing since sliced bread, but it really is enjoyable if you’re looking for something fun to do on a Friday with friends. But maybe uninvite that one killjoy who likes to play Sherlock Holmes: Film Critic Edition, because it has plenty of red herrings and “twists” which are more fun if you just let them unfold naturally.

When it comes to horror and thrillers, it’s really tough these days to come up with something we can’t predict, but it doesn’t really matter much to moviegoers if your formulaic is contained in an enjoyable enough package.  At just 75 minutes run time, this is a silly indie film in the home-invasion horror-thriller genre. I watched it alone and had a good time, but I think I’m going to put it up for a “Rainbow Reel Revival” pick at some point, just so we can all shout and laugh together! It’s definitely meant for a group watch instead.

Three best friends (Holly, Cali, Mel) are celebrating the holidays together, enjoying some drinkin’ and smokin’ and general merriment. Hooray! Lowkey Millennial partying! Snacks! Games! Wine! Woohoo! Living the high life!  After they’ve worn out their welcome at Mel’s, the trio decides to take their partying to the next level with a visit to Cali’s rich relatives house.  Life is grand for this bevy of beautiful babes. Everyone’s having a fantastic time playing video games, throwing back shots, joyriding on golf carts, etc etc. Things are joyful and bright, that is until it’s very suddenly quite not at all merry after an accident that threatens to shred their holiday joy but also their young, promising lives.  However will they be successful adults now? Woe is me for these three privileged white chicks! What ensues after is the most silly, ridiculous series of mishaps and mayhem culminating in blood (though probably not enough to satisfy the splatter fans, there is some payout!)

This is an uncomplicated thriller with a lot of cheeky comedy, and some “oh no she did NOT just do that” moments.  Although it’s really ridiculous, it’s also somewhat believable if you’ve ever been a teenager trying to concoct a cover-your-ass story to avoid telling the adults in your life what really happened.  Young adults with no life experience think their genius stories are the most compelling and believable thing, when really you have to wonder about the psychological process behind their hare-brained ideas.   The red herrings and twists-and-turns are amusing enough.  Although they’re not the most likeable characters (honestly, though, isn’t that the point?) they manage to really pull it all together because they have excellent chemistry.

Oscar winner? Maybe not. But if you’re looking for a short, silly B-Movie for a goofy friends night? This would do the trick.

Review by Ellen Avigliano

Twitter: @imaginariumcs

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Website: www.imaginariumarts.com


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