Malice and Murder in the Microwave: Celebrating National Microwave Oven Day with a Twist


Ahh, the microwave!
A quintessential feature of modern-day life that we simply can’t do without in our busy, busy lives.

Whether you make popcorn or leftovers in your microwave or simply wish to celebrate it as a fixture in your favourite 80s movies, we’re right there with you in appreciating this modern marvel.  It’s an indispensable kitchen tool that can do so much more than just reheating your leftovers. You can cook entire dinners and even bake in them!

And if you’re especially creative, you can use them as your weapon of choice for MURDER and MAYHEM. That’s right, folks, Horror Movies have even used this fantastic kitchen appliance to kill and destroy. We’ve gathered a list of great thrills and kills provided by using microwave ovens. Consider this a warning that you may find spoilers in the scenes below. We’ve done our best to avoid super-current movies, but if you’ve missed out on any cult-classics you’ll want to skip this (or maybe you don’t, because you’re weird and like spoilers.) Here’s your chance to turn back before it’s too late….


Before you hit our list, we suggest you grab a quick snack.
Here’s some suggestions for microwaveable movie snacks as a side dish to the murder and mayhem that is to follow:  

When you’re looking to cook quick in between suspenseful scenes in your Horror movie, you’re going to want plenty of easy-to-use gear for your micro-kitchen.  Here are some of our suggestions for essential microwave cooking tools.  From to-go containers to meal prep, you’ll find it all here:


BEWARE: This list may contain spoilers. Navigate away now if you think these kills will spoil any of your movie watching experience! Also, please note that many of these scenes contain a fair bit of graphic violence and gore.

Disclaimer: we do not advocate you murdering anyone, not even if it’s with a cool weapon like the microwave. Please, be kind







Still with us? Let’s go!

Here’s our picks for great movie scenes that cause death and destruction with Microwave Ovens:

The Core:



Touch of Death:


Last House on the Left:


Microwave Massacre
(this whole movie counts, so here’s the trailer)

Urban Legend (the dog dies in this one, beware!):

Listicle by Ellen Avigliano

Twitter: @imaginariumcs


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