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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Book Review: Blood and Brimstone by John F.D. Taff
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Book Review: Blood and Brimstone by John F.D. Taff

John F.D. Taff’s The Fearing series was an absolute event last year. I looked forward to each of the four releases and lamented the six week wait to find out what happened next. When volume four arrived, Taff managed to bring the whole thing to a satisfactory conclusion. It didn’t take long for rumblings to begin about Taff returning to the Fearing universe to tell additional stories. When it was announced that he’d be teaming up with Matt Corley of Saturday Morning Scenarios to tell a story set during the events of The Fearing and turn it into an RPG, I was sold before the punctuation hit.

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All That’s Fair Week:  β€œAll That’s Fair” Book Review by Brennan LaFaro
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All That’s Fair Week: β€œAll That’s Fair” Book Review by Brennan LaFaro

The theme of this book is twenty-two stories revolving around women. Every single one of them acts as a short nightmare, fantastically addictive in their execution. The tales are like a certain brand of potato chips where you can’t have just one, because holy hell, what else could Cooper possibly dream up to keep you and sleep from meeting up late at night.

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Book Review: We Need To Do Something by Max Booth III
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Book Review: We Need To Do Something by Max Booth III

Look, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to tell you anything new here. I’ve seen nothing but positive acclaim for this title, and I’m going to be adding my voice to the din momentarily. 

The elevator pitch for We Need To Do Something: a family of four shelters in a bathroom on page one to avoid a severe storm warning. Booth sets out to do something pretty unique and extraordinary here, asking himself, β€œCan I set an entire 150-page book in one small room and make it interesting?”

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Book Review: Blood Lake Monster by Renee Miller
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Book Review: Blood Lake Monster by Renee Miller

This is write-up number ten for a book in Unnerving’s Rewind or Die series, and my excitement to pick one of these little ditties up has not diminished in the slightest. Kudos to Eddie Generous for, among other things, rounding up such a vast array of tropes in the process of introducing horror readers to so many new and wonderful authors. I realize now that Renee Miller has multiple books out, but this is the first I’ve had the pleasure of picking up. Blood Lake Monster follows up the aquatic horror in The Kelping, by Jan Stinchcomb, with a dose of swampy, land-locked lake creature.

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