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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

My Horror Icon: Emma Alice Johnson
Special Feature, Horror, Madison McSweeney Divination Hollow Features Special Feature, Horror, Madison McSweeney Divination Hollow Features

My Horror Icon: Emma Alice Johnson

Our new series ‘My Horror Icon’ highlights individuals who have impacted horror in various ways, from scream queens to writers, filmmakers to cosplayers and beyond.

Madison highlights her icon, Emma Alice Johnson, one of bizarro's best, her boundless imagination and visceral power anchored by humour, impeccable suspense, and sharp psychology.


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Book Review: Intro to Chaos by Tonya Walter
Book Review, Horror Fantasy, Neka Divination Hollow Features Book Review, Horror Fantasy, Neka Divination Hollow Features

Book Review: Intro to Chaos by Tonya Walter

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Contributor Neka reviews Tonya Walter's Intro to Chaos.

‘Intro to Chaos’ is a hypnotic story, following the journey of Chaos, or Kay, a young woman with the ability to see and communicate with the dead.


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Book Review: Histories of Mgo by Edwin Callihan
Book Review, Horror, Short Story Collection, Madison McSweeney Divination Hollow Features Book Review, Horror, Short Story Collection, Madison McSweeney Divination Hollow Features

Book Review: Histories of Mgo by Edwin Callihan

Thanks for stopping by our blog! Madison reviews Edwin Callihan’s short story collection, Histories of Mgo

A secret world spreads its tendrils across time in Histories of Mgo, the new collection from Edwin Callihan.

These 10 stories are a masterclass in Weird fiction, ranging from contemporary cosmic horror to eerie, old-school fantasy.


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Book Review: Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek
Book Review, Horror Fantasy Romance, Helen Divination Hollow Features Book Review, Horror Fantasy Romance, Helen Divination Hollow Features

Book Review: Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

Thanks for stopping by our blog! Helen reviews Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

Raised in a small village near the spirit-wood, Liska Radost knows that Magic is monstrous, and its practitioners, monsters. After Liska unleashes her own powers with devastating consequences, she is caught by the demon warden of the wood – the Leszy – who offers her a bargain: one year of servitude in exchange for a wish.


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