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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Women in Horror Month Spotlight: Cat Voleur
Women In Horror Month, Author Spotlight, Cat, WIHM 2023 Divination Hollow Features Women In Horror Month, Author Spotlight, Cat, WIHM 2023 Divination Hollow Features

Women in Horror Month Spotlight: Cat Voleur

Welcome to Women In Horror Month!

We’ve bumped our festivities from February into March, to allow even more space for highlighting and spotlighting marginalized voices and creators. We’re thrilled to be back for another month of amazing content highlighting girls, women, and femmes for WIHM!

Thanks for stopping by our blog! Click through to read the latest from our team contributors and special guests!


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Women Developing Their Characters: An Argument for Protagonist Diversity Beyond the Audience Surrogate
Women in Horror Month, Essay, Non-Fiction Guest User Women in Horror Month, Essay, Non-Fiction Guest User

Women Developing Their Characters: An Argument for Protagonist Diversity Beyond the Audience Surrogate

Almost everyone loves to project themselves into a good fantasy from time to time, whether it be through a video game, book, television show or just in our own minds. Some media, such as video games, make this process very easy by putting the player in the protagonist’s shoes throughout the story. In literature, the easiest way to accomplish this effect is to use what theorists call an audience surrogate. Audience surrogates appear throughout literature, but some popular examples include Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, and Bella Swan from Twilight.

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