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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Book Review: “The Iron Widow” by Xiran Jay Zhao
Book Review, Elle Turpitt Ellen Avigliano Book Review, Elle Turpitt Ellen Avigliano

Book Review: “The Iron Widow” by Xiran Jay Zhao

Elle is absolutely over the moon and back again twice about reading Xiran Jay Zhao’s novel “The Iron Widow!” If you’re curious to see what the excitement is all about, we highly suggest you dip into today’s blog post and find out. This is one you surely won’t want to miss. Grab a copy now and slap it onto the good ol’ TBR pile so you don’t get any FOMO!


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Book Review: Cursed Objects Strange But True Stories of the World’s Most Infamous Objects by J.W. Ocker
Book Review, Elle Turpitt Guest User Book Review, Elle Turpitt Guest User

Book Review: Cursed Objects Strange But True Stories of the World’s Most Infamous Objects by J.W. Ocker

This is the kind of book that feels like a journey. There’s a lot of information here, about a variety of different objects, their curses, the people ‘affected’ and the kind of places that house them. Whether you believe in cursed objects or not, this is a fascinating book, and well worth picking up for anyone interested in the paranormal.

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Book Review: Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May
Book Review, Elle Turpitt Guest User Book Review, Elle Turpitt Guest User

Book Review: Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May

The galaxy is ruled by the ruthless Tholosian Empire. People are not born, but created, designed for whatever purpose they can serve. And each is under the control of the Oracle, whispering in their minds, reinforcing propaganda, issuing orders. But the Resistance is growing, especially with the former heir as a member. She and Clo – engineer and pilot, born naturally and without the Oracle’s influence – are forced to work together to infiltrate a ship and discover what, exactly, is being transported.

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