Good Days, Bad Days, and the Days In Between


No living creatures on this planet chose to exist. One day, you’re just born with no choice in the environment you’ll be raised. All you can do from that day forward is make the best of the cards you’ve been dealt. 

But there’s something magical when two of these creatures who maybe are a little lost and upset find one another. One day, you’re browsing social media and an ad pops up for a shelter, and, intrigued, you click the link. Next thing you know, you’re down at the shelter staring into the biggest eyes you’ve ever seen. In a split-second decision, you take the four-legged creature home, unsure if your personalities will mesh.

It takes a while to settle into a new routine, to learn one another’s quirks. After a few weeks, you can’t remember what it was like before this furry bundle of joy walked into your life. You’re trained just as much by the dog as the dog is trained by you, and you become inseparable. Together you two can have bad days, good days, and all the days in between. Maybe the dog is a bit of a jerk, but the same can be said about you. And every day you come home to someone who will greet you with love and appreciation, helping to make the outside world a little more bearable.


And that’s why I love adopting dogs.


Poem: Beau by Jimmy Stewart

Essay by Regi

Twitter: @IgnatiaStrigha


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