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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Special Feature: The Horror Hoser Reviews “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”
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Special Feature: The Horror Hoser Reviews “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”

I’m Thinking of Ending Things, by Kingston, Ontario writer Iain Reid, is a psychological horror about a couple going to visit potential in-laws. The narrator, for most of the book, is thinking of ending things with her month-long boyfriend, Jake. She thinks she’s just along for a quaint country road trip, but Jake’s past and secrets have other plans.

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All That’s Fair Week: ELLE, a short story by S.H. Cooper

All That’s Fair Week: ELLE, a short story by S.H. Cooper

She stared at the screen, waiting for someone to comment. A DM. Anything. It seemed so obvious to her, but was she mistaken? Had she fallen into the old writer’s trap: Clear to me because I wrote it? She liked to think she was better than that, but the lack of real response wasn’t helping her confidence.

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