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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Book Review: Crossroads by Laurel Hightower
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Book Review: Crossroads by Laurel Hightower

There are certain authors I get downright greedy with, and Laurel falls squarely within the genre. From the moment I closed Whispers in the Dark and held it close to bask in its glory, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the next Hightower story. 

Going in, I’d read the barebones synopsis, and it was just enough to tell me this book was going to destroy me. I thought I might get a little time to prepare, even ten pages, but no such luck.

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Introducing Broomhilda, Resident Columnist, and everyone’s favorite β€œAgony Aunt”
Agony Aunt, Ask Me Anything, Monster Mash, Humor and Satire Dead Head Reviews Social Media Agony Aunt, Ask Me Anything, Monster Mash, Humor and Satire Dead Head Reviews Social Media

Introducing Broomhilda, Resident Columnist, and everyone’s favorite β€œAgony Aunt”

Introducing Broomhilda!

Dear Friends,

My name is Broomhilda, and I am here to help. I have vast years of experience under my hat, and have been invited to this wonderful website to answer your monster related questions. I have had an influx of queries recently, and it seems many of you are not sure how to deal with your unusual loved ones, even if you happen to be one yourself. This is where I come in.

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