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Reviews, Articles, and Special Features:

Friends Are The Family You Chose For Yourself — Why We Need Horror Blogs
Essay, Non-Fiction Guest User Essay, Non-Fiction Guest User

Friends Are The Family You Chose For Yourself — Why We Need Horror Blogs

Sixteenth century English poet John Donne once declared: “No man is an island entire of itself”, a powerful sentiment that another Jon (Bon Jovi, this time) would echo over four hundred years later accompanied by his electric guitar. The phrase itself suggests that humans do rather badly when they are isolated from others and both benefit and thrive by being part of a supportive community.

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Agony Aunt Answers: High Notes of Dating in the Theatre, Elder Gods, and Workplace Discrimination
Agony Aunt, Monster Mash, Humor and Satire Guest User Agony Aunt, Monster Mash, Humor and Satire Guest User

Agony Aunt Answers: High Notes of Dating in the Theatre, Elder Gods, and Workplace Discrimination

“ My Bf says he didn’t kidnap the soprano from our local theatre club via trap door in the stage. He says I’m the only one that can hit the high notes in his life, but i’m not sure I believe him! Is he cheating on me? What should I do? (21m and 22m) “ and more

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Agony Aunt Answers: Being the Brainiest and Dating the Undead

Agony Aunt Answers: Being the Brainiest and Dating the Undead

How to deal with being the brainiest kid in the family and avoid being eaten by your relatives :( (16M)

Being the ‘different one’ in any family is very hard. There are expectations formed when you are a child, based on what your family think you will be. And as you change and grow into your own person, your family have to alter those expectations. Some people find it hard to do. Others swing so much in the opposite direction they put extra pressure on the kids.

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